Sabtu, 22 November 2008

Boediono: Bank Century Diambil Alih LPS

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) dan pemerintah melalui Komite Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan (KSSK) memutuskan PT Bank Century TBK diambil alih oleh LPS.

"Pengambilalihan tersebut oleh LPS dimaksudkan agar meningkatkan keamanan dan kualitas pelayanan bagi para nasabah," ujar Gubernur BI Boediono, di Gedung BI, Jakarta, Jumat (21/11/2008).

Sementara itu, perdagangan saham PT Bank Century Tbk (BCIC) kembali dikenakan penghentian sementara (suspensi) sejak sesi pertama perdagangan hari ini.

Otoritas Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) mengenakan suspensi ini sehubungan dengan adanya informasi material yang belum disampaikan kepada publik tentang Bank Century.

Suspensi dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya perdagangan yang tidak wajar atas efek perusahaan tercatat di BEI dan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih memadai tentang hal tersebut. (Arif Sinaga/Trijaya/rhs)

Gus Dur Mengaku Terpaksa Serukan Golput

JAKARTA- Mantan Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Abdurahman Wahid atau Gus Dur mengaku terpaksa menyerukan kepada pendukungnya untuk golput pada pemilu 2009.

Gus Dur beralasan, hal tersebut dilakukan karena Komisi Pemilihan Umum telah melakukan sejumlah kecurangan di berbagai pemilihan kepala daerah.

"Saya terpaksa menyerukan golput karena kecurangan KPU dimana-mana," kata Gus Dur dalam acara "Kongkow Bersama Gus Dur" di Kedai Tempo Utan Kayu Jakarta, Sabtu (22/11/2008).

Gus Dur menambahkan dengan bersikap golput akan terlihat pihak-pihak mana saja yang diuntungkan dan dirugikan.

"Semua pilkada itu penuh kecurangan, itu bukan pilkada sebetulnya tapi pilkadal," sentilnya yang disambut tawa peserta diskusi.

Since I do a lot of work on my computer during prime time hours, I miss a lot of shows. I do most of my serious TV watching from network websites on my laptop. Personally, I think video streaming is one of the greatest inventions for those who don’t own a TiVo. Now I can watch Chuck, Heroes, and all my favorite television shows with limited commercial interruptions.

The only thing that I miss is watching my favorite programs on my television itself. Generally I watch them on a tiny screen in the corner while I am doing other work. However, I could get a Neuros Link, which will give my television access to sites such as CBS, Hulu,, FanCast,, even YouTube.

The Neuros Link can be connected to the television via HDMI, with a maximum resolution of 1920 x 1200 of 1080p. Other features include 1GB of RAM, 4GB of flash, Gigabit Ethernet support, 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi, and 6 USB 2.0 ports. Control of the Neuros Link is attainable with the wireless Neuros Keymote, a 2.4 GHz keyboard with a trackball mouse.

Right now, this is still in the Gamma phase of launch, but it should be about $299 with no additional subscription fees when becomes available.

what is Windows 7?

Windows 7

It's the next version of Windows for PCs, and it's the result of working hand-in-hand with our partners and with people who use Windows in the real world every day. We're paying particular attention to the things they're telling us are important to them and will make their PCs work the way they want them to—things like enhanced reliability, responsiveness, and faster boot and shut-down. We're also trying to make their everyday tasks easier, like connecting and syncing devices, browsing the web, and managing a home network.

Of course, we're also working on new capabilities, so people will be able to do things with Windows 7 that were difficult (or perhaps impossible) to do with PCs before. Finally, we're working hard to ensure that Windows 7 will run on any PC and work with any program that works today with Windows Vista, so upgrading from Windows Vista will be easy.

We hope this helps you find what you're looking for. Please check back soon.